I haven’t seen my paycheck yet and I worked a bunch of hours last week!
Please look at the pay scheduled that was provided to you in orientation. It works like this: you work two weeks, skip a week, and then the next week is when you get paid. Click HERE to see an explanation on a calendar graphic. Here is the 2022-2023 Pay Calendar that shows what time frames are paid on what dates.
On Pay Day Mondays checks for licensed guards are only available after 4PM; not before. They can be picked up any time after that as long as it’s during business hours; including anytime on Tuesdays. They are not available for unlicensed guards until 4 pm on Tuesday.
Will my check be mailed out if I don’t pick it up?
No, your check will only be mailed if you come into the office to fill out a form. Otherwise it will stay at the office until you pick it up.