
Welcome to the T.E.A.M. Employee Portal!  Here you will find information regarding event locations and things you need to have for certain shifts.  We also have forms available to download print, or you can fill them in, save, and email to us at the office.



If you are involved in an incident that requires police to be contacted, DO NOT ever give them your personal address.  If they ask for your ID, you have to tell them not to use your personal address.  You need to give them the office number and address for their reports.  It is in the best interest of all parties to use our corporate address.


Leave a message if no one answers, and someone will call you back. Your cancellation is not approved until you hear back from a manager. DO NOT call shift reporting or the office to cancel your shift.

Shift Reporting (602-619-8326) is used to call in and out of your shifts when there is no supervisor; it is not for scheduling or cancellations.

The office number (480-829-8326) should be used during the week Mon-Fri, between 10 am and 6 pm) to get your schedule and to ask any questions you may have regarding your shifts. DO NOT WAIT until the day of your shift to get any information you may need – ask during business hours when the schedulers are in the office and able to help you.


As a reminder, shorts and hats are not allowed at any of our indoor venues.  Some of our frequent indoor venues include Gila River Arena, US Airways Center, Chase Field.

If you are unsure about the dress code for a venue, please ask the schedulers.  It’s good to always confirm what you need for your shifts as you are being scheduled.


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